For 2017 we decided to introduce a new category to our collection of already existing beer and whisky cycle jerseys - and of course with an office full of 'non' professional alcoholic beverage tasters, we knew Gin was a no brainer!
Gin [gin]
(Noun) 1. A bar without Gin, is like an Italian kitchen without pasta. A liquor that is harmonious with almost anything.
First on board to work with us is Lilliard Gin; a light and elegant gin, with a complex floral palette (a taste for only the manliest of men). Situated by River Teviot in the heart of the Scottish Borders, Donald (the copper still), works day in, day out to produce a memorable and lingering taste of heaven. The micro - distillery itself is very niche and definitely worth a visit - there's various cycle routes around the area, if you want to make a day of it!
Andddd, here's the best bit! You can purchase the Ginnery's cycle jersey here.
Next up! Is Kintyre Gin; who differ from others because of their very own hydro-electric scheme that powers their copper still - giving Kintyre Gin unique eco credentials. Using 12 botanicals (2 of which our Icelandic moss and Sheep Sorrel and home grown), this Gin has a very characteristic taste. And just to clarify the Ginnery's tasting panel have described its taste as 'having earthy and spicy characteristics, being deep in flavour, with a very pleasant floral aroma'.
Available to buy on our website.
Jaggi Gin; is small batch of distilled Scottish Gin incorporating unique Scottish botanicals - all produced at the Strathearn Distillery in Perthshire. Jaggi Gin produces three premium blends; the Sweet blend (orange label), the Citrus blend (blue label) and the Botanical blend (green label), all as equally mouth-watering as each other and of course, all traditionally hand-crafted. This jersey is available for sale now.
Tyree Gin; a recipe made with Kelp and Machair botanicals from the Inner Hebridean island of Tiree. Although at this moment in time the gin is not produced on the island itself, production is planned to be relocated and on the island within the next 3 years. Did you know: 'Tyree' was the original spelling for Tiree's Post Office, established in 1802, it was later changed to 'Tiree' to avoid Tyrie in Aberdeenshire - who knew there was so many Tiree's around?!
We are very fond of the island over here at tcj, so are super chuffed to have helped design and manufacture their very own cycle jersey.
Loch Ness Spirits; are true craft spirits made with Loch Ness water and botanicals: an authentic taste of the Highlands. Lorien and husband, Kevin have lived in the Highlands their whole lives, and their roots go more than five generations back! Lorien quickly understood the connection between cycling and alcohol - they really do go hand-in-hand! Especially with all the nature and cycle paths/ off roading Scotland graces us with.
Please Note: Our standard stock jerseys are manufactured with short sleeves and a 3/4 length concealed zip. Any other available options will be made to order and will be manufactured within 3-5 working days.
Jaggi Gin; the premium Scottish Craft Gin. Handcrafted, small batch distilled Scottish Gin, incorporation unique Scottish botanicals. Created in Strathearn Distillery, Perthshire, Scotland. They are winners of "Scotland's Craft Spirit" of the year 2015.
We offer this design in 3 different colours and 2 differnt styles - with multiple different options to choose from!
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