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Coffin Dodgers

by The Cycle Jersey |

CoffinDodgersThis week at TCJ headquarters we received another custom order for a bunch of cycle enthusiasts - no surprise there!  Although, these guys are a little different.. They're part of an exclusive riding club named 'Coffin Dodgers'  - I thought this was absolutely BRILLIANT!  I had to create a blog post to make them known.

These guys are pretty impressive, the name literally tells all; the club originated back in '05 when a few guys aged 60-90!, went on a weekly ride (approx 50+ miles), just for fun and fitness.  Over the years their member capacity grew, as expected, members would come and go (they forgot the dodge)!  And still to this day, they ride great British roads, both for leisure and to raise awareness for various charities

Now whilst their age is slowly increasing, their souls are forever young and there's no sign of hanging the bike on the rack any time soon!  Here's another reason to jump behind the bars and give cycling a bash - it really does have no limits.

hawick coffin dodgers cycle jersey