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Winter Cycling Tips 2019

by The Cycle Jersey |

Although cycling in summer is hard to beat, a bit of crisp air isn’t so bad if you’re prepared for riding in winter. We’ve listed some of our cycling tips that might just help you have a more enjoyable experience.


The right waterproof, windproof and breathable clothing will keep you warm on rides. Some essentials may be a favourite waterproof jacket and thermal bib tights, anything that will keep you warm and comfortable. You can also benefit from having bright coloured clothing or reflective stripes as an outer layer, it’s important to be visible during the winter months.

The Cycle Jersey Windcheeta Jacket provides the optimal fit for cold weather riding, using a three layer Windtex fabric which protects from wind and rain whilst maintaining good breathability. You can even custom print your very own, match your kit to your bike!

Food and Drink

It’s important to eat enough before and during your ride in winter. A little tip; keep your snacks somewhere warm like a jacket pocket. This avoids them becoming hard or frozen at low temperatures.

Drinking fluids will keep you hydrated and help you perform at your best. Why not stop off at your favourite coffee shop on your commute? A well-deserved warm drink and slice of cake always tastes better after a bike ride.

Tyres and Mudguards

It’s important to check your tyres before you set off on your journey. To avoid punctures, its best to give your tyres a quick clean over. It can save you a lot of time and hassle.

We all know mudguards are a must when it comes to riding in winter. The goal is to stay dry, getting sprayed with water and dirt from the ground can be quite uncomfortable. Although it’s not necessarily, mudguards might just come in handy more than you think!

Plan in advance

Maintaining your bike in a good condition is perfect for those days when you just want to wake up and go on a ride without much thought. Having your clothing, kit and bike prepared for the next morning is a bonus. Not only does it save last minute running about but being organised the evening before can lead to a positive start to your day.

Planning your cycling journey in advance helps you determine the best route to take. It's best to check the weather conditions before you set off, ensure the road is clear of winter debris and is safe for cycling.

Whatever the weather, whatever the ride, don't forget to enjoy it. After all, the festive season is just around the corner...

Got any winter cycling tips? Feel free to leave a comment and let us know how you get prepared for the cold weather.